Canada's Quality of Life Hub is currently in development. We need your help! If you have ideas or thoughts for what you'd like to see on the Hub, Statistics Canada would love to hear about it. Your input is invaluable as we continue to develop the Quality of Life Hub.

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Fairness and inclusion lens

The fairness and inclusion lens is intended to inform policy and program development, leading to greater equity and equality, by assessing the distribution of outcomes for quality of life indicators for different populations in Canada. It allows for a systematic assessment of inequality across individual-level, family-level and household-level indicators of quality of life.

The application of the fairness and inclusion lens will provide important data on quality of life for Indigenous people, racialized communities, people with disabilities, gender-diverse populations, children and youth, and many others. It aligns with activities that fall within several other federal programs, including those related to Canada's Anti-Racism Strategy, the Gender Results Framework and gender budgeting, which focus on impacts of government decisions on individuals of different incomes, ages, genders, ethnicities and other characteristics.

Data supporting the application of the fairness and inclusion lens to the Quality of Life Framework for Canada will be obtained in part through Statistics Canada's Disaggregated Data Action Plan. This plan will support more representative data collection methods, enhance statistics on diverse populations to allow for intersectional analyses, and support government and societal efforts to address known inequalities by bringing considerations of fairness and inclusion into decision making.

Please also visit Statistics Canada's Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics.

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