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Knowledge of official languages




Culture and identity


Knowledge of official languages


Proportion of the population able to conduct a conversation in:

  1. English only;
  2. French only;
  3. Both official languages;
  4. Neither official language.


This indicator is measured in a number of Statistics Canada surveys, including the Census of Population and the Canadian Social Survey (CSS).

In the Census of Population, respondents are asked:

Can this person speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

  • English only
  • French only
  • Both English and French
  • Neither English nor French

In the CSS, respondents are asked:

Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation?

  • English only
  • French only
  • Both English and French
  • Neither English nor French

Data sources

This indicator is measured through multiple Statistics Canada surveys. Estimates can vary between data sources due to differences in reference periods, targeted or sampled populations, data collection and other methodology.

Data visualizations

Data analysis

Additional information

For more information on language variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Languages Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021.

The Ethnicity, Language and Immigration Thematic Series combines different statistical products related to ethnicity, languages and immigration. It features various analytical documents of varying scopes, population profiles, reference materials as well as data products such as tables and factsheets.

The video Knowledge of official and non-official languages presents the census questions on knowledge of official and non-official languages. It also helps users understand how variables on knowledge of official and non-official languages are created and how they are disseminated and analyzed.

For the most recent data tables, analyses and references on languages in Canada, pleasure refer to the Languages statistics page.


This indicator aligns with the following frameworks:

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